2015 | A New Year

2015|A New Year

A new year has begun and I'm shocked it's 2015; it's insane how much time passes in the blink of an eye. I hate the whole 'New Year, New Me' palaver because I think you only make changes to become a better version of yourself. You've got a whole year of unforeseeable opportunities so here is to a New Year and New Experiences. 

I begin my first placement at Johnson's Hospital in Spalding on the 13th of January as a student nurse. I'll be on the acute injuries ward and also be dealing with those terminally ill. This is going to be a life changing opportunity and extremely challenging for me. I will finally be helping people whether it's dressing an open wound or holding their hand in the last moments of their life. Long and stressful days lie ahead of me but I know every second will be worth it. Plus the Uniform is unbelievably sexy; gotta love the Simon Cowell trousers and don't get me started on the shoes. 

This is a big fat cliche but as the New Year has begun I have finally decided I will give myself a kick up my lazy butt and finally exercise (shocker). I always make excuses as to why I can't exercise e.g. the gym is too far away and too expensive. Yet, when I started University I had a gym literally next door to me which was fairly cheap and my excuses started to become 'I'm too ill' (hungover). 

Now a New Year has begun and I'm going to need a lot more stamina to power through my long shifts as a nurse; I've decided I'm going to take this exercising thing seriously. This is probably a massive thing for me because I could easily hands down win the worlds most laziest girl award. Anyone that knows me well knows it's a big mistake to try and get me out of bed. Anyway, I've decided I'm going to run morning or evening everyday depending on my shift patterns and I've sorted myself a work out routine to tone my legs, bum and stomach. I began this routine a few days ago and got worn out during the warm up which is definitely a sign of how unfit I am. So no more excuses, I am going to work my little body out!

As many of you know, I am a worrier and I often find it difficult to look on the optimistic side of life. However, this is something that has troubled me for years and I want to finally work on changing it. I want to cherish those I have in my life and not ponder on those who left. I want to smile more instead of finding reasons to cry. I want to be happy and not let others bring me down. I want to look at the glass as being half full this year.

I've decided that I'm going to stop making the effort with people who don't value me enough to make the same effort with me. This is something I continuously do because I feel guilty or care too much but I'm not going to give and give and give because I am always left with nothing which in return makes me unhappy. I always want to make others happy but I need to look at whether that person will in return make me happy. I also need to stop believing that everyone in the world would do exactly what I would do because everyone has a different heart and mind. 

I will not chase those or force those to be in my life because they're obviously not meant to be there and that's okay. 

This achievement may take a while and will probably run into next year as I'm poor as fuck right now. But, I want to finally start learning how to play guitar. I tried once when I was fifteen with my mum's old guitar but the guitar just couldn't hack it and none of the notes sounded right no matter how much I tuned it. I've never been able to afford a new guitar but I will have quite a bit of money around May/June so I am going to treat myself to a brand new guitar. 

I can't wait to start learning how to play and lose myself in something. I adore music and I've wanted to learn to play the guitar for a very long time. I think it will give me something to truly focus on and I know I'll definitely enjoy being able to play music. 

Lastly, I want to finally do something that I have wanted to do for years. I want to go to Rome in September and visit the Colosseum and eat Italian pizza. The flights and hotel drop massively in price in September which has made me determined to go ahead and do it. I haven't decided who I will be going with or exact dates yet but I've got awhile to plan. 

I do want to travel the world when I graduate but that is going to be awhile yet and I don't think I can wait much longer to visit Rome! 

So, that is my fun packed aims and opportunities for 2015 - don't hesitate to make changes because without change life would be pretty damn boring. 

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