Little Ol' Student Nurse


Little Ol' Student Nurse

We've flown into March in a blink of an eye and I am finding I am approaching the last few days of my first clinical placement. I honestly can't believe how quickly these last two months have gone. I walked into placement with no experience whatsoever and now I am walking away with so many skills and memories. I remember feeling completely out of my comfort zone. I felt lost and like a fish out of water. Now I am strolling around putting the skills I have learnt to use and making a small difference to the lives of many and I cannot possibly put into words how amazing that feels. 

I've been dealt with a great first placement; the staff I work with are all so helpful and they welcomed me and made me feel at home. My mentor has been incredible, she has taught me the basic set of skills that will continue to progress throughout my nursing career. The patients have been unforgettable. I've watched patients be admitted onto the ward where they've been bed bound but they have been discharged walking and smiling and it is such an honour and achievement to know I helped that process. On the other hand, I have watched patients deteriorate rapidly and I've held their hand as they take their last breath. This was something that cut deeply for me but it meant the patient wasn't alone when facing death. 

My life since the 16th Jan to present has consisted of 6am mornings, 13 hour shifts, food, sleep and assignments. No alcohol and no social life. I've gone from the university life of going out all the time and rolling in at 5am and suffering a hangover to waking up around that time and suffering with exhaustion. The benefits of placement though have obviously been having your mummy wash your clothes and cook your meals because I can not stress enough how little energy you have after a 13 hour shift. If my mum didn't do those things for me I'd probably be anorexic and smelly. 

I've got another three days left of placement and after that I am back to the university life for 9 weeks... just as other students finish their first year for good. Unfortunately I don't finish until the 26th of August. The only downfall of being a student nurse. I couldn't say thank you enough to my family for looking after me and letting me stroll back home for a few months so I can steal food. have my washing done and save some money for a little while. 

I'd also like to write a little something for my best friend Grant Smillie because I know he will read this post and moan that I haven't mentioned him. I also apologise for the extremely old photograph. Me and Grant have known each other for over two years and we've always remained best friends. Since being back home for a few months we both saw it as an opportunity to spend more time together and we've grown so much more closer for it. In between placement I see this little dipshit and we have so much fun doing absolutely nothing apart from taking the piss out of each other. I mainly just use him because he makes a spectacular cup of tea and gives me hugs when I'm sad, grumpy or just bored. 

On a more serious note, Grant has helped me through everything. He has seen me at my worst and at my best and always supports me with everything I do. I couldn't possibly imagine who I'd turn to if he wasn't there because he is the first person I want to go to to share good news, bad news or any kind of news. An example being I will tell him straight away if I have purchased a bottle of lucazade or a lunchable because that is vital information to be shared between us. I've also got him into Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead because I'm an extremely good friend. 

I'm going back to university in a few weeks and it's going to be extremely hard being away from him and it's going to take some getting used to again. But either way, I know he is only a phone call away and I know he'd always be there if I need him and vice versa. At least it will give me a break of the constant verbal abuse I get and his desperate attempts to convince me he should have been born black. OH! and also the terrible terrible music he listens to. You will never get me into ghetto music Grant... ever. (or whatever it is called). But thank you for everything you have done for me. You better bloody come and visit me in Lincoln or there will be consequences. I hate you very much. 

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